Fundraiser by Jackaline

Support British Red Cross

Supporting British Red Cross Society

Fundraiser by Jackaline

Support British Red Cross

Supporting British Red Cross Society

About this Fundraiser

British Red Cross get the right aid to the right place as quickly as possible. Their teams on the ground provide essentials like food, water, shelter and first aid. Your donation helps those in need, whoever and wherever they are. You can now donate below £5,000 in crypto to the British Red Cross. If you would like to donate £5,000 and over in crypto, please email [email protected] so they can process your donation correctly in line with their ethical policies.

Learn more about this organization

Donation Profile:
Twitter: @BritishRedCross
Statement: The British Red Cross is there for people when crisis strikes. No matter who they are, no matter where the emergency is, we can get life-changing help to those who need it most. From assisting people who are affected by the Ukraine war and supporting family who affected by the Africa food crisis, to helping people struggling with cost of living crisis in the UK. There’s no other humanitarian movement in the world like ours, we have Red Cross teams working tirelessly in 192 countries across the world, including the UK. We put people first when the worst happens and we help people rebuild and recover in the aftermath. Together, with your support, we are the world’s emergency responders. Please note, if you'd like to make a larger crypto donation, of the value of £5,000 and above, please email [email protected] with your full name and donation offer and we will be in touch to personally steward you through the donation process. We will not be able to accept donations of the value of £5,000 and above without going through the above steps. We hope you understand.

raised from $1000 goal.
of $1000 goal


days left
Donation data updated every 15 minutes.
All USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current estimation or value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.

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