Fundraiser by Kej Di

Solana Dev Against Cancer

Supporting Alivia - Fundacja Onkologiczna

Fundraiser by Kej Di

Solana Dev Against Cancer

Supporting Alivia - Fundacja Onkologiczna

About this Fundraiser

Cancer is a tough battle that impacts not just individuals but entire communities. In Poland, where access to timely treatment is often a challenge, Alivia - Fundacja Onkologiczna is a lifeline. They provide crucial support, from financial aid to essential resources. I’m fundraising for Alivia because no one should face cancer alone. Every donation directly impacts lives, offering hope and real help to those who need it most. This effort is unique because we're leveraging cryptocurrency, specifically Solana, to support this mission. Crypto's transparency, speed, and global reach ensure that every contribution goes directly to those in need. By donating in Solana, you’re making a modern, impactful difference. Join me in supporting Alivia - Fundacja Onkologiczna. Together, we can give more people the resources they need to fight cancer and ensure no one is left behind. Your donation, big or small, can be the light in someone’s darkest hour.

Learn more about this organization

Donation Profile:
Twitter: @fundacja_alivia
Statement: We work to ensure that everyone has equal access to the best cancer care. We stand up for the dignity of cancer patients and create tools to help them make good decisions about their health. We give courage!

raised from $21000 goal.
of $21000 goal

days left
Donation data updated every 15 minutes.
All USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current estimation or value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.

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