Fundraiser by Toasterboyz
Running for the culture
Supporting Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity
Fundraiser by Toasterboyz
Running for the culture
Supporting Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity

About this Fundraiser
I'm a fundraiser for Roald Dahl's Marvelous Children's Charity because they do excellent work providing nurses to children who need them here in the UK. They also happen to be one of the only UK charities that accepts donations via crypto and I've set myself a challenge to run the Bristol half marathon and also to show we degens are also kind hearted charitable souls. I'll be out there running, representing the community and probably hurting a bit but lets show people what we got in crypto.
Learn more about this organization
Donation Profile:
Twitter: @RoaldDahlFund
Statement: We provide specialist nurses and support for seriously ill children living with complex, lifelong conditions.

$418 raised from $4811 goal.
of $4811 goal
days left
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