Fundraiser by Oscar

Oscar Community Fundraiser

Supporting Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Fundraiser by Oscar

Oscar Community Fundraiser

Supporting Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

About this Fundraiser

At the heart of The Oscar Community lies a shared commitment to compassion, kindness, and action. That’s why we’re proud to support the SPCA and their tireless work to protect and care for animals in need. Together, we can promote animal welfare, support rescue efforts, and give countless animals a chance at a safe and loving home. Join us in making a difference because every life deserves compassion. The Oscar Community Cares.

Learn more about this organization

Donation Profile:
Twitter: @ScottishSPCA
Statement: We’re the Scottish SPCA, Scotland’s only all-animal rescue service. Our mission is to rescue animals in need, protect them from harm, and lead the way in making Scotland the best place in the world for an animal to call home. Through rescue, rehabilitation, education, and advocacy, we aim to prevent suffering and create a society that values and cares for animals. With no government funding, we rely entirely on the generosity of our supporters to continue this vital work.

raised from $1300 goal.
of $1300 goal

days left
Donation data updated every 15 minutes.
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