Fundraiser by Clean Water in Sudan
Mark Hackett's Fundraiser
Supporting Operation Broken Silence
Fundraiser by Clean Water in Sudan
Mark Hackett's Fundraiser
Supporting Operation Broken Silence

About this Fundraiser
Hi everyone! Welcome to my fundraiser to help build a clean water project in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan! Operation Broken Silence is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit spearheading this critical project. We're building a global movement to empower the Sudanese people through innovative programs. After decades of war, roughly 7,000 people in the villages of Antra, Tabulla, al-Nukra, Am-Serdiba, and al-Hibai in the western Nuba Mountains of Sudan lack a clean water source. Children have even died from drinking water dirty water. The good news is that we can help fix this. Working with one of our amazing Sudanese partners, we have the opportunity to build a solar-powered clean water system that will serve these communities for years to come.
Learn more about this organization
Donation Profile:
Twitter: @OBSilence
Statement: Operation Broken Silence is building a global movement to empower the Sudanese people through innovative programs as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

$ raised from $248 goal.
of $248 goal
days left
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