Fundraiser by Emily Faye

London Marathon 2024 MY WAY

Supporting Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity

Fundraiser by Emily Faye

London Marathon 2024 MY WAY

Supporting Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity

About this Fundraiser

Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity provides specialist nurses and support for seriously ill children. There are currently over 100 Roald Dahl Nurses caring for over 32,000 seriously ill children across the UK. I have been working closely with this Charity over the past year, have written a personalised song for the amazing nurses and played a couple of live events and it has been awesome to witness what they do with such passion & heart. When they asked me if I would like to take part in 'The London Marathon My Way' I said yes! This is where I run a marathon the same day as the London Marathon but in my own chosen place! A 'virtual' London Marathon if you will. A great way to raise money for charities alongside the event. I have been training hard and would love your support. Wish me luck! Thank you Emily Faye

Learn more about this organization

Donation Profile:
Twitter: @RoaldDahlFund
Statement: We provide specialist nurses and support for seriously ill children living with complex, lifelong conditions.

raised from $1000 goal.
of $1000 goal


days left
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