Fundraiser by kittisan


Supporting World Emergency Relief

Fundraiser by kittisan


Supporting World Emergency Relief

About this Fundraiser

I am humbly asking for a chance to start a new life. Due to a business mistake, I am now in debt of approximately $8,800, and I have lost my job. I am unable to start working again because of the overwhelming pressure from informal debts, and my house is at risk of being seized next month. I feel trapped with no way out. I am reaching out to everyone for help. If I can overcome this difficult time, I promise to pay it forward by helping others in need. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me hope and a chance to rebuild my life. BTC Address: 1KmKcBWkBB2MVnE1WDEAdbQVLeQYaQDpyS

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Statement: World Emergency Relief and our indigenous program, Native American Emergency Relief, are committed to delivering vital humanitarian aid with a focus on addressing the needs of hungry children, providing timely disaster relief, ensuring access to clean water, promoting equity in education, and enhancing healthcare services for the underserved. Please join us in Giving Children a Living Chance!
raised from $8800 goal.
of $8800 goal

days left
Donation data updated every 15 minutes.
All USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current estimation or value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.

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