Fundraiser by Jake Angerer in memory of Jamie - lee
Kids 4 kids inc
Supporting 4KIDS, Inc.
Fundraiser by Jake Angerer in memory of Jamie - lee
Kids 4 kids inc
Supporting 4KIDS, Inc.
About this Fundraiser
I would like to give a voice to the young men and women who don't have one. The kids that are suppressed and torn down due to parental neglect social pressure and lack of support networks. Kids are smarter more resilient and we as adults should help nurture these fundamentals. Parent support aligning with co operative measures not just band aid fixes stamping out old parenting methods. Allow parents the time to educate themselves and be free from biased decision making.
Learn more about this organization
Donation Profile:
Twitter: @4kidsus
Statement: 4KIDS exists to bring hope, homes, and healing to kids and families in crisis across South Florida and the Treasure Coast. In partnership with local churches, businesses, and government agencies, 4KIDS is committed to redefining foster care in our community, one child at a time.

$ raised from $9000 goal.
of $9000 goal
days left
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